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Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,B.I.T. Sindri
(Mechanical Engineering Machine Design)
August, 2004
Schedule of Teaching Schedule of Examination
Lecture Tutorials Total Time Theory Sessional Viva Total
(per week) (Hrs.) Marks Marks
4 0 4 All theory subjects 3 100 50 150
Project 50 50 100
Seminar 100 100
Dissertation Satisfactory/not Satisfactory
MEM-501 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
MEM-502 Advanced Material Science
MEM-503 Advanced Mechanics of Solids
MEM-504 Vibration Analysis
MEM-505 Optimization Techniques
MEM-506 Lab-I
MEM-507 Finite Element Method in Design
MEM-508 Computer Aided Machine Design
MEM-509 Industrial Tribology
MEM- Elective-I
MEM- Elective-II
MEM-516 Lab -II
MEM- Elective-III
MEM- Elective-IV
MEM-580 Project
MEM-590 Seminar
MEM-500 Dissertation
MEM-510 Mechtronics
MEM-511 Machine Tool Design
MEM-512 Automotive Design
MEM-513 System Design
MEM-514 Design of Experiments
MEM-515 Robotics Engineering
MEM-517 Design of Machine Frames & Housings
MEM-518 Product Design & Development
MEM-519 Computational Numerical Techniques
MEM-521 Modelling & Simulation
MEM-522 Composite Materials
MEM-523 Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to
be set. The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
1. FOURIER TRANSFORMS: Introduction, Fourier Integral Theorem, Fourier Sine and
Cosine Integral, Complex form of Fourier Integrals, Fourier Transforms, Inverse Fourier
Transform, Properties, Modulation Theorem, Convolution Theorem for Fourier
Transforms, Parseval’s Identity, Fourier Transforms of derivative of functions, Relation
between Fourier and Laplace transform.
simultaneous equations by Gaussian elimination and its modification, Crout’s
triangularization method, Iterative methods-Jacobi`s method, Gauss-Siedel method,
Determination of eigen values by iteration.
3. CONFORMAL MAPPING: Conformal mapping, Linear transformations, Bi-linear
transformations, Schwarz’s-Christoffel transformations.
4. TENSOR ANALYSIS: Introduction, Curvilinear co-ordinates, Summation convention,
Transformation of coordinates, ,Contravarient and Covariant vectors, Tensor of order
zero, Tensor of higher order ,Symmetric and Skew symmetric Tensors, Algebra of
Tensors, Riemannian space .Line element and Metric Tensor, Conjugate Tensor,
Associated Tensor,Physical components,Christoffel symbols, Covariant differentiation of
Covariant and Contravarient Tensors.
Books Recommended
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal; Khanna Publishers
2. Fourier Series and Boundary Values Problems by Churchill; McGraw Hill.
3. Complex Variables & Applications by Churchill; McGraw Hill.
4. The Use of Integral Transforms by I.N. Sneddon., Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Vector Analysis By Murry Spegiel ; S. Series
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
Plastic Deformation of Single Crystals- Concept of crystal geometry, Lattice defects,
Deformation by slip, slip in a perfect lattice, slip by dislocation movement, critical
resolved shear stress for slip, deformation of single crystal, deformation of face centered
cubic crystals, deformation by twinning, stacking faults, deformation bands and kink
bands, micro strain behaviour, strain hardening of single crystal
Dislocation Theory- Introduction, observation of dislocation, Berger’s vector and
dislocation loop, dislocations in face centered cubic lattice, dislocations in hexagonal
close packed lattice, dislocation in the body centered cubic lattice, stress fields and
energies of dislocations, dislocation climb, intersection of dislocation Jogs, dislocation
sources, multiplication of dislocations, dislocation point defect interactions, dislocation
pile up.
Strengthening Mechanisms- Grain boundaries and deformation strengthening from grain
boundaries, low angle grain boundaries, yield point, phenomenon of strain aging, solid
solution hardening, deformation of two phase aggregates, strengthening from fine
particles, strengthening due to point defects. Martensite strengthening, cold worked
structure, strain hardening, annealing of cold worked metal, Bauschinger effect, preferred
Mechanical Behaviour of Polymeric Materials- Introduction, time dependent mechanical
behaviour of polymeric materials, structure of polymers, deformation of polymers,
yielding criteria for polymers, Rheology, viscoelastic behaviour, rubber elasticity,
fracture and toughness
Fundamental of Metalworking- Mechanics of Metalworking, Flow stress determination,
strain rate effects, deformation zone geometry, workability, residual stresses
Books Recommended
1. Fundamentals of Material Science and Engineering- William F Smith
2. Mechanical Metallurgy- Dieter
3. Physical Metallurgy- Reedhill
4. Physical Metallurgy- Van Vlack
5. Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment – Lakhtin
6. Physical Metallurgy Avner
7. Theory of Dislocations Hull
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, to be
set. The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions.
1. Analysis of stresses and strains in Cartesian and Polar coordinates. Stress
transformations, Strain transformations, Generalized Stress- Strain Relations
and Compatibility Conditions.
2. Fundamental laws of Elasticity and Plasticity, Generalised plane stress and
plane strain relations, The Airy’s Stress Function, Prandtl’s Stress function for
torsion, St. Venant's principle.
3. Elastic strain energy and external Work, Virtual work Methods, Elastic energy
methods, Castigliano’s Theorems and Statically Indeterminate Systems.
4. Stress Concentration: Stress concentration Factors, Theory of elasticity,
Combined loads , Experimental techniques and Effective Stress concentration
Factors. Contact Stresses: Method of Computing Contact stresses,
Computation of Contact Stresses of two bodies in line contacts.
5. Solution to Boundary Value Problems for prismatic sections, Torsion of
Prismatic sections, Membrane analogy for thin walled and multiple connected
6. Beams on elastic foundations: General Theory, Infinite Beam Subjected to a
concentrated; Boundary Conditions. Infinite Beam Subjected to a distributed
load segment. Semi infinite beams subjected to loads at its ends. Short Beams.
7. Introduction to strain gauges; General, configurations, Instrumentation and
Characteristics of Strain Gauge Measurements. Theory of Photoelasticity and
techniques used in Photoelastic Applications.
Books Recommended:
1. Advanced Mechanics of Materials, A.P.Boresi, R.J. Schmidt, O.M.
Sidebottom ,
John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
2. Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis, Budynas, R .,1988.
3. Contact Mechanics, K.L.Johnson, Cambridge University Press.
4. Theory of Elasticity, S.P.Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, McGraw-Hill.
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
Fundamentals of Vibrations- Introduction of Vibrations, Classification, Mathematical
Modeling of Physical Systems & Dimensional analysis, Elements of vibrating systems,
equivalent springs, Static equilibrium position, Inertia effects, viscous dampers,
Equivalent systems.
Free Vibrations-Classification of free vibrations, Free vibrations of single degree of
freedom systems & multi degree of freedom systems, application of Newton’s Laws and
energy methods to normal mode solution, natural frequencies & mode shapes, natural
frequencies using flexible matrix, determination of natural frequencies by Matrix
Iteration, Rayleigh Quotient, Duhamel’s integral.
Transient Vibrations-Non-periodic excitation, derivation of Convolution Integral,
Excitations whose form change with time, transient motion due to base excitation,
Laplace transform solutions, shock spectrum, numerical methods for excitation.
Forced & Damped Vibrations-Harmonic excitation, Bending critical speeds of simple
shafts, Method of Laplace transform, parametric excitation, Damping Models-viscous
damping, structural damping, coulomb damping, single degree of freedom system with
viscous damping, over damped system, critically damped system, under damped system,
Logrithmic Decrement, Duhamel’s integral, Negative damping-self excited vibrations.
Vibrations of Continuous Systems- Torsional oscillations of a circular shaft, vibrations
of finite beam, Vibrations of beams of variable cross section, vibrations of plates &
rings, Forced vibrations of beams.
Non-Linear Vibrations- Sources of non-linearity, free undamped vibrations with
nonlinear restoring force, forced undamped vibrations with nonlinear restoring force, self
excited vibrations & stability.
vibration Control- Basic concepts of vibration isolation, vibration isolation theory,
vibration control by balancing, damping and damping treatment, practical aspects of
vibration isolation, Dynamic vibration absorbers, damped vibration absorbers.
Books Recommended
1. Vibration Problems in Engg. By John Wiley & Sons.
2. Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations by W. Weaver and D.H. Young.
3. Mechanical Vibration Analysis By P. Srinivasan.
4. Non-Linear Mechanical Vibrations By P. Srinivasan.
5. Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations By S. Graham Kelly.
6. Theory and Problems of Mechanical Vibrations By William W. Seto.
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
1. Linear Programming: Two phase method, Revised simplex method and dual
simplex method. Sensitivity analysis. The dual problem and its role for post
optimality analysis.
2. Dynamic Optimization Models: Formulation of dynamic optimization models for
common industrial problems. Optimization of non-linear objective function by
dynamic programming.
3. Nonlinear optimization models: Nonlinear objective queuing function of
unconstrained variables, quadratic programming.
4. Queueing Models: Queuing with single and parallel channels with limited and
unlimited service. Bulk input, bulk service, priority queue discipline.
5. Heuristic Models Need for heuristic programming, examples of heuristic models
for traveling salesman problems, facilities design and assembly line balancing.
6. Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Theory and algorithms, classical method,
non-linear optimization- Unconstrained optimization, constrained optimization:
Langrangian multiplier method
Books Recommended
1. Fundamental of Operations Research Ackoff and Saseini: Wiley Eastern
2. Principles of OR with applications to managerial decisions by Wagner: Prentice
3. Introduction to OR by Hillier & Lieberman: Holden day
4. Operations Research by D. S. Hira
MEM--506 Lab-I
Max. Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 2hrs
One lab /field/industrial oriented project /problem will be allocated to each
student related to the subjects related to the subjects taught in 1st semester.
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
1. Introduction- Field Conditions, Boundary conditions, Approximate solutions
2. Basic Principles of structural Mechanics- Equilibrium conditions, Straindisplacement
relations, Linear constitutive relations, Principle of virtual work,
Energy principles, Application to finite element method
3. Element Properties- displacement models, Relation between the nodal degrees
of freedom and generalized coordinates, convergence requirements, Natural
coordinate systems, Shape functions (interpolation functions), element strains and
stresses, Element stiffness matrix, Static condensation
4. Isoparametric Elements- Two- dimensional Isoparametric elements,
computation of stiffness matrix for isoparametric elements, convergence
criteria for isoparametric element
5. Direct Stiffness Method of Analysis and Solution Technique- Assemblage of
elements- direct stiffness method, Gauss elimination and matrix
6. Analysis of Framed Structures- Two dimensional truss element, Three
dimensional truss-element, Tree dimensional beam element
7. Plane Stress and Plane Strain analysis- Triangular elements, Rectangular
elements, Isoparametric elements, Incompatible displacement models.
8. Application of FEM to Heat conduction problems.
Books Recommended
1. Finite Element Analysis- C S Krishnamoorthy
2. Finite Element Method- Desai and Abel
3. Finite element Method-Zienkiewics
4. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element analysis- Cook
5. Basic Programs in Finite Element Method- David K Brown
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
1. Fundamentals of CAD: Introduction: Design Process: Application of computers in
design: Creating manufacturing database: benefits of CAD. Computer Hardware;
Graphic input devices; display devices; Graphics output devices; Central
processing unit (CPU)
2. CAD software and Database: Software configuration of a graphics system:
functions of a graphics package: geometric modeling: Database structure and
3. Geometric Transformations: Mathematics preliminaries, matrix representation of
2 and 3 dimensional transformation: Concatenation of transformation matrices.
Application of geometric transformations.
4. Computer aided design of Transmission Belts (Flat & V) using C++/VC.
5. Computer aided design of Journal Bearing.
6. Application programs for selection of Ball and roller bearings using C++/VC
7. Computer aided design of Knuckle joint and flanged coupling using C++/VC.
8. Computer aided design & drafting of spur gears and flywheel using C++/VC.
9. Introduction to Design and Engineering Applications- geometry and mass
property formulations, design projects with CAE focus
Books Recommended
1. CAD/CAM Ibrahim Zeid
2. Principles of computer aided design- J Rooney and P Steadman
3. Computer Aided Graphical Design – Daniel L Rayan
4. Computer Graphics and Design- P Radhakrishnan and Kothandaraman
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
Introduction: friction, wear and lubrication, types of engineering contacts: conforming
and non conforming, Types of motion: rubbing, sliding, oscillating, rolling, surface of
interaction, elastic and plastic deformations, properties of materials, surface energy and
flash temperature theory.
Friction: Laws of sliding friction, concept of adhesion, Tabor’s model of elastic thermo
friction, rolling friction, measurement of friction
Wear: Laws of wear. types of wear such as adhesive, declamation, abrasive, corrosive,
fretting, erosive and oxidative. Measurement of wear and friction in atmosphere and
different environments, Prevention and control of wear and friction in machines, wear of
cutting tools and dies, study of abrasion in grading, lapping/ honing
Lubrication: Mechanism of lubrication, Boundary, squeeze film hydrodynamic and elasto
hydrodynamic and hydrostatic lubrication, plasto hydrodynamic lubrication, solution of
Reynolds’s equation in two and three dimensional flow, pressure distribution load
carrying capacity friction forces in oil film and coefficient of friction in journal bearing,
Solid, Liquid and Gas lubricants types and their applications
Bearing Design: Design of bearing clearance in journal bearing, minimum film thickness,
sommar field number. oil grooves and flow of oil in axial and circumferential grooves
cavitations and turbulence in oil bearings, Heat generation and cooling or bearing
hydrostatic and dynamic and their applications in machine tools, Design of air bearings
and other gas bearings
Rolling Friction: Reynold slip, Heathe cote concept selection of roller bearings and their
methods of lubrication design aspects and modes of bearing failures and elasto
hydrodynamic lubrication
Tests and Instrumentation in Tribology: Sliding friction and wear abrasion test, rolling
contact and fatigue test, solid particle and erosion test, Corrosion test
Special instruments for lubricant analysis such as optical and infrared spectroscopy and
infra red spectroscopy, atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy,
NMR spectroscopy, X ray diffraction and chromatographic techniques, Use of
transducers and instruments in Tribology- film thickness measurement using modern
techniques – Development of test rigs for Tribology research
Books Recommended
1. Friction, Wear, Lubrication: A text book in Tribology
2. Engineering Tribology by Gwidon W Stachowiah and Gwidon W
3. Principles and Application of Tribology by Bharat Bhusan
4. Applied Tribology: Bearing Design and Lubrication by Khonsari and Booser
5. Tribology in Industries by Sushil kumar Srivastva
6. Introduction to Tribology of Bearing by BC Majumdar
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
What is Mechatronics, Systems, Measurement Systems, Control Systems,
Microprocessor- based controllers, The Mechatronics Approach.
Sensors and Transducers, Performance Terminology, (Displacement, Position
& Proximity Sensors),(Velocity & Motion, Force, Fluid Pressure, Liquid
Flow, Liquid Level, Temperature & Light Sensors), Selection of Sensors.
Signal Conditioning Process, Operational Amplifier, Digital Logic, Logic
Gates, Boolean Algebra, Data Acquisition Systems, Measurement Systems,
Testing and Calibration.
Mechanical Actuation Systems, Hydraulic & Pneumatic Actuation Systems,
Electrical Actuation Systems, A.C. Motor, D.C. Motor, Stepper Motor.
Mathematical Models, Engineering Systems, Electromechanical & Hydraulic-
Mechanical Systems, Modeling Dynamic Systems, Transfer Functions,
Introduction to METLAB & SIMULINK, Control Modes, PID Controller.
Computer and Interfacing, Microcomputer Structure, Microcontrollers,
Application of Microcontrollers, PLC.
Designing, Possible Design Solutions, Case Studies of Mechatronic Systems.
Books Recommended
1. Mechatronics, W. Bolton, Pearson Education Asia
2. Analytical Robotics and Mechatronics, Wolfram Stadler, McGraw Hill
3. Mechatronics, Dan Necsulescu, Pearson Education Asia
4. Mechatronics, HMT
5. Mechatronics, AMT
6. Introduction to Digital Computer Electronics, A.P. Mahind, TMH
7. Measurement Systems, E.O. Doeblin, McGraw Hill
8. Automatic Control Systems, B.C. Kuo, Ogata, PHI
9. Understanding Electromechanical Engineering; An Introduction to Mechatronics-
Lawrence J K PHI
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
1. Introduction, Classification of machine Tools, Elements of machine tools,
selection of speed and feed, gear box design, various types of clutch systems,
Sohopke and Report drive/s. double bound gears analysis, Lohr Criterion for
optimizing double bond gear.
2. Stepless drive, Mechanical stepless drive analysis, Hydraulic stepless drive circuit
analysis, Design features, Throttle valves, Tracer controlled hydraulic circuit,
Hydraulic servo controls, Electrical stepless drive circuits and characteristics.
3. Strength and Rigidity consideration, process capability and compliance, Design of
Lathe Bed, use of stiffness in bed, design of radial drill column and milling
machine column.
4. Analysis of spindle bearings, slides and guide, design of spindle/arbor, antifriction
and journal bearing. Hydrodynamic action in slides, analysis of hydrostatic
bearings, Roller guides, recirculating ball analysis, stick slip motion in guidesmodels,
force analysis of Lathe guide ways.
5. Vibration of machine tools and dynamic rigidity: Effect of vibrations, source of
vibrations, self excited vibration, single degree of freedom chatter, velocity
principle and related models, regenerative principles, chatter in lathe, drilling,
milling & grinding, Tlusty and palace model, Peters model, Elementation of
machine tool structures matrix. Finite elements and lumped constant models.
6. Automation: Automation drives for machine tools, Degree of automation, Semiautomation,
analysis of collect action, design of collect, bar feeding mechanism,
tooling layout, single spindle mechanism, analysis, swiss type automatic machine.
Loading and unloading. Transfer- devices, Modulator- design concept, in process
7. Control system of machine tools: control, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic,
numeric and fluidic. Basic principle of control, hydraulic controls, fluid controls,
numerical controls, feed back systems, Primary systems programming
Books Recommended
1. Machine tools design by Mehta: Tata McGraw Hill
2. Principles of machine tools by Sen et al Central Book Agency
3. Machine Tool Design by Bassu & Pal: Oxford & IBH
4. Machine tool Design vol. i to iv by Acherken: Mir Publishers
5. Design Principles of Metal cutting machine tools: Koenigsberger: Pergamon
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
Automotive Engineering Development: Innovations and Inventions, Engine
Developments, (Transmission, Steering, Suspension, Brake) system development,
Interior Refinement, Safety Design.
Modern Materials and Manufacturing Challenge: Structure, Properties and
Manufacturing technology of automotive materials, Material selection, Design to
manufacture as a single process and IPPD
Body Design: Styling process, Aerodynamics
Chassis Design & Analysis: Load case, Structural analysis by simple structural surfaces
method, Computational methods.
Crashworthiness and its Influence on Vehicle Design: Accident and injurt analysis,
Vehicle impact (General dynamics & crush characteristics), Structural collapse and its
Influence upon Safety.
Noise, Vibration and Harshness: Vibration control, Fundamentals of acoustics, Sound
measurement, General noise control Principles.
Occupant Accommodation: An Ergonomics Approach: Eight fundamental Fallacies,
Ergonomics in the automotive industry, Strategies for improving occupant
accommodation and comfort.
Suspension System and Components: Factors effecting design, Mobility of suspension
mechanisms, Kinematic analysis, Roll center analysis, Force analysis, Vehicle ride
analysis, Controllable suspensions.
The design of engine Characteristics for Vehicle Use
Transmissions and Driveline: Manual gearbox, Automatic transmission, Continuously
variable transmission.
Braking Systems: Fundamentals of braking, Brake proportioning and adhesion
utilization, Materials design.
Control Systems in Automobiles: Automotive application of sensors, EMS, Electronic
Transmission control, Integration of EMS and TCS, Chassis control system, Multiplex
wiring system, Vehicle safety and security system, On-board navigation system.
Failure Prevention: Important aspects of failures in real engineering world, Testing and
Failure prediction, Automotive technology and the importance of avoiding failures.
Future Trends in Automobile Design: Mechanical possibilities, Electronic and
Electrical Possibilities.
Books Recommended
1. An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design, Julian Happian-Smith, Butterworth
2. Advanced Vehicle Technology, Heisler, ISBN
3. Automobile Design: Twelve Great Designers and Their Work, R. and Harding,
4. Road Vehicle Aerodynamic Design, Barnard, R. H., Longman
5. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, Kalpakjikan, S. Addison-Wesley
6. Automotive Ergonomics, Peacock, B. and Karwowski, Taylor & Francis
7. Automotive Sensory Systems, Nwagboso, C.O., Chapman and Hall,
System Theory and Concepts. Engineering and engineering profession; Engineer,
Science and Scientist. Engineering and society, new challenges of engineering. Social
responsibility and engineering. Design, designer, qualities in a designer. System, its
characteristics and system design
Design cycle and its logic. Divergence, transformation and convergence, Feasibility
study, Engineering analysis. Information and information resources. Procedure to obtain
information and information handling.
Inventiveness, features and steps of inventiveness, obstacles and aids to creativity.
Estimation and bidding. Checking, methods of checking.
Optimization, optimal solution, methods of optimization. Decision making and its
requirements. Methods for decision making, preliminary design, finding alternatives.
Reliability analysis.
Modeling, advantages and limitations of modeling, types of models and their description.
Detailed design and factors affecting detailed design. Steps in detailed Design.
Production drawings. Revision. Report writing.
Case studies to be discussed involving Systems Design process
1. One compulsory question carrying about 40 percent marks on Case Study is to be
2. The students may be asked to attempt another three questions of 20 marks each.
Books Recommended
1. An introduction to System Design by Dixon
2. Systems Design by D. K. Aggarwal and S.L. Singla
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
Strategy of experimentation, Some typical applications of experimental design, Basic
principles, Guidelines for designing experiments, A brief history of statistical design,
Using statistical design in experimentation.
Introduction, Basic statistical concepts, Sampling and sampling Distribution, Inferences
about the Differences in means, randomized designs, Inferences about the Differences in
means, Paired comparison Designs, Inferences about the Variances of Normal
Randomized complete block design, Latin square design, Balanced incomplete block
Basic definition and principles, Advantages of factorials, The two factor factorial design,
General factorial design, Fitting response curves and surfaces, Blocking in a factorial
Introduction, Linear regression models, Estimate of parameters in linear regression
models, Hypothesis testing in multiple regression, Confidence intervals in multiple
regression, Prediction of new response observations, Regression model diagnostics,
testing for lack of fit
Concept design, Parameter design, Tolerance design, Quality loss function, Signal-to-
Noise ratio, Orthogonal array experiments, Analysis of Mean(ANOM), Quality
characteristics, Selection and testing of noise factors, Selection of control factors,
Parameter optimization experiment, Parameter design case study.
Introduction, Example of ANOVA process, Degrees of freedom, Error variance and
pooling, Error variance and application, Error variance and utilizing empty columns, the
Books Recommended
1. Design and Analysis of Experiments, Douglas C Montgomery, John Wiley
2. Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments, John P.W.M., Macmillan,
3. Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, Montgomery D.C., Runger G. C.,
4. Response Surface Methodology: Process Ang Product Optimisation Using
Designed Experiments, Myres R.H., Montgomery D. C., Wiley, New York
5. Introduction to Quality Engineering, Taguchi, G., Asian Productivity
Organisation, UNIPUB, White Plains, New York
6. System of Experimental Design: Engineering Methods to Optimize Quality and
Minimize Cost, Taguchi, G. UNIPUB, White Plains, New York
7. Statistical Analysis for Engineers And Scientists, J. Wesley Barnes, McGraw Hill
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
INTRODUCTION Definition of a Robot, Difference between hard automation and
robotic automation, Characteristics of a robot, Need for robots and their benefits,
Economic aspects in robotic application, Robot classification and their applications,
Robot generations
Nee for interfacing, Part feeding, Orienting devices, Special fixtures, Conveyor belts,
Overhead transport, Work cell organization in robotic environment, Work cell design and
Functional and graphical representation of a robot, Arm structures in use, Structure of
end effectors, Degrees of freedom of a rigid body, Degrees of freedom of a robot,
Degrees of freedom and mobility.
Robot anatomy and functional units, Work volume, Elements and types of drive and
control systems, Precision of movement, Actuators , Power transmission systems,
Manipulator kinematics and path control, Configuration of a robot controller.
Mechanical grippers, Consideration in gripper selection and design.
Tactile, Proximity and Range sensors in robots, Velocity sensors, Robot vision,
Introduction to motion planning and image processing.
Robot programming languages, Introduction to intelligent robots.
Material handling and processing, Metal cutting processes, Welding, Spray coating,
Inspection, Assembly and hazardous operating conditions, Safety in robotics, Social and
labour issues in robotics, Metal handling using AGV’s, Automated storage systems using
mobile robots, Issues in implementation of robotics in industry.
Exercises in programming of robots, Exercises in design and layout of robot workplace,
Exercises in programming of mobile robots using simple mobile robot kits, Exercise in
robot sensors, Vision and image processing using simple robot kits.
Books Recommended
1. Industrial Robotics: Technology, Programming and Applications, Groover,
Weiss, Nagal and Odrey, McGraw Hill, New York.
2. Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence, Lee, Fu & Gangalase,
3. Robotic Engineering: An Integrated Approach, Klafter, Chmielewski & Negui
4. Robotics for Engineers, Y. Koren, McGraw Hill, New York.
5. Introduction to Robot Technology, Coiffet and Chirouze, McGraw Hill
6. Robotics And flexible Automation, S.R.Deb, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
7. Fundamentals of Robotics Analysis and Control, Robot J. Schilling, PHI
8. Introduction to Robotics, J.J.Craig, Pearson Education Asia.
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
Purposes of housing, Design of housing observing various factors such as thickness of the
casting, clearance inside of housing for all moving parts, suitable floor flanges, suitable
stiffening ribs on the housing walls, provision for eye bolt, arrangements for oil drain out
and oil level indicator, housings for reduction gears, chains and bearings, supports and
Retainment of parts.
Classification of machine frames on the basis of purpose, form, presence of parting line.
Choice of optimum form of cross section. Design of C clamp, frame of screw clamp,
frame of punch press and shearing machine. Materials for beds, bases and columns,
Typical construction of beds, ;bases and columns. Design of machine tool columns,
roaming, tables, cross rails and carriages. Modern machine tool bed design. Design of
frames for static and dynamic stiffness.
Criteria for requirements on stiffness, deformation of frames caused by weight forces,
cutting forces and forced vibrations
Books Recommended
1. Machine structures vol. 1 J Tlusty F. Koenigsberger
2. Machine tool Design vol. 3 N. Acherkan et al
MEM--516 Lab-II
Max. Marks: 100
Time Allowed: 2hrs
One lab /field/industrial oriented project /problem will be allocated to each student
related to the subjects related to the subjects taught in 2nd semester.
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
Introduction: to Product Design: Design by Evolution and Innovation, Essential factors
of product design, Production consumption cycle, Flow and value addition in Production
consumption cycle, The Morphology of Design, Primary design phases and flowcharting,
Role of Allowances, process capability and tolerances in detailed design and assembly
Product Design and Industry: The Designer- his role, myth and reality, the industrial
design organization, basic design considerations, Role of Aesthetics in product design,
Functional design practice
Design for Production: Producibility Requirements in the design of machine components,
Forging design, Pressed component design, Casting design for economical molding,
eliminating defects and features to aid handling, Design for machining ease, the role of
process Engineer, Ease of location and Clamping, Some additional aspects of production
design, Design of powder metallurgical parts
Economic Factors Influencing Design: Product value, Design for safety, reliability and
Environmental considerations, Manufacturing operations in relation to design, Economic
analysis, profit and competitiveness, break even analysis, Economics of a new product
design (Samuel Eilon Model)
Value Engineering and Product Design: Introduction, Historical perspective, Value,
Nature and measurement of value, Maximum value, Normal degree of value, Importance
of value, The value Analysis Job Plan, Creativity, Steps to problem solving and value
analysis, Value Engg. Idea generation check list, Cost reduction , materials and process
selection in value engineering
Modern Approaches to product Design: Concurrent Design, Quality Function
Deployment, reverse engineering,
Rapid Prototyping: Stereo lithography, Solid ground cutting, Selective laser sintering,
Laminated object manufacturing, data transfer to RPT, Constraints on the Model, RPT in
manufacturing, tooling, RPT in Industrial Design, Medical applications verses
conventional technologies
Books Recommended
1. Product Design and Development by Kail T Ulrich and Steven D Eppinger
2. Product Design and Development by AK Chitale and Gupta
3. Design of Systems and Devices by Middendorf Marcel Dekker
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
Errors in Numerical Calculation:
Introduction, Numbers and their accuracy, errors, Absolute, Relative and percentage
errors and their analysis. General error Formula
Finite differences, forward differences, Backward difference, Central Difference,
Symbolic Relations, Difference of a Polynomial, Newton’s Formulae for interpolation,
Central Difference, Stirling Formula, Bessel’s Formula, Gauss Central Difference
Formulae , Everett’s Formula, Interpolation with unevenly spaced points: Lagrange’s ,
Interpolation Formula , Hermite Interpolation , Newton’s General Interpolation Formula
Numerical Differentiation, Numerical Integration, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s Rule,
Gaussian quadrature,
Numerical Solution of Ordinary differential equations: Initial value problems, Singlestep
methods. Runga-Kutta Methods, Multisteps Methods, Predictor Corrector Methods.
Adams- Bashforth Method. Milne’s methods, Simultaneous and Higher order equations,
Two-point boundary value problems.
Numerical solution of partial differential equations, Finite-difference
approximation to derivatives, Solution of Laplace equation by Jacobi’s Methods.
Finite element method, Weighted Residual Method, Variational Methods. Finite
elements, Application to boundary value problems
Books Recommended:
1. Elementary Numerical Analysis – S.D Conte. McGraw Hill
2. Introducation methods of Numerical analysis S.S Sastry, Prentice Hall of India
3. Numerical Mathematical Analysis, J.B. Scarborough, Oxford
4. Numerical Solution of differential Equations by M.K. Jain, Wiley Eastern
5. Introduction to Finite Element Method, By Desai & Abel, Van Nostrand
6. Introduction to Matrix & Numerical Methods By K.I. Majid, Wood Stock
7. Numerical Methods By Dr. B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publisher
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
1. Introduction and overview, concept of system, system environment, elements of system, Monte
Carlo method, system simulation, simulation, a management laboratory, advantages limitations or
system simulation, continuous and discrete systems.
2. Technique of Simulation, Monte-Carlo method, System simulation, comparison of simulation
with analytical methods, experimental nature of simulation ,advantages, limitations and
application of system simulation.
3. Numerical computational techniques-for continuous and discrete models. Distributed lag models.
Cobwals models, examples involving numerical methods of analysis.
4. Simulation of continuous systems: characteristics of a continuous system, comparison of
numerical integration with continuous simulation system. Simulation of an integration formula.
Simulation of trajectories, pure pursuit, serial pursuit, chemical reaction and auto pilot. Analog
methods, digital-analog simulation time simulation, hybrid simulation.
5. Simulation of discrete system: Time flow mechanisms, Discrete and continuous probability
density functions. Generation of random numbers, testing of random numbers for randomness and
for auto correlation, generation of random variates for discrete distribution, generation of random
variates for continuous probability distributions-binomial, normal, exponential and beta
distributions; combination of discrete event and continuous models. The rejection method.
Simulation of reliability, queuing and inventory problems.
6. Design of Simulation experiment: Length of run, elimination of initial bias. Variance reduction
techniques, stratified sampling, antipathetic sampling, common random numbers, time series
analysis, spectral analysis, model validation, optimisation procedures, search methods, single
variable deterministic case search, single variable non-deterministic case search, regenerative
7. Simulation Languages: Continuous and discrete simulation languages, block structured
continuous languages, special purpose simulation languages, SIMSCRIPT, GESS SIMULA
importance and limitations of special purpose languages.
Students will be required to develop design and execute computer simulation experiments to analyse
complex real life industrial situations.
Books Recommended
Simulation and Modelling Loffick Tara Mcgraw Hill
System Simulation with Digital Computer Deo Narsingh Prantice Hall
System Simulation Hira, D.S. S. Chand & Co.
Computer Simulation and Modelling Meeiamkavil John Willey
System Simulation Gerden Printice Hall
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to
be set. The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions.
1. Introductions to Composites; History and categorization of composite into
particle- and- fiber- reinforced systems, Fibers, Matrix, Reinforcement/matrix
interface, polymer matrix composites, Aramid Aluminium Laminates, Metal
Matrix Composites, Ceramic Matrix Composites, Carbon-Carbon Composites,
Cement Matrix Composites, Applications of fiber reinforced structural
2. Nature of fiber reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar and whiskers), Fabrics,
Fillers, Matrix materials ( thermosets, thermoplastics and metal alloys ) and
Fiber/Matrix Adhesion.
3. Comparison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials.
Structures and processing for laminated structures, Press Moulding Processes,
Filament Winding, the Pultrusion process for continuous Automated
Manufacture of Engineered Composite Profiles and Processing thermoplastic
matrix composites.
4. Micro mechanics of fiber and particle reinforced composites. Prediction of
elastic components. Strength of Composites parallel and perpendicular to
fibers, Krenchel Coefficients. Load transfer in composites, interfacial shear,
critical fiber lengths, critical aspect ratio. Inter- laminar shear strength.
5. Fracture and Damage Mechanics in Laminated Composites; Damage
classification and failure mechanisms, Free edge delamination, stiffness loss
in laminae due to damage. Toughness of composites, Cook- Gordon effect,
fracture energy of cross-laminated composites. Fatigue and creep of
composites, S-N Curves, residual strength.
6. Environmental Effects and Non Destructive Testing ( NDT ) of composites,
High Strength, High temperature composite materials. Design Methodology
and Practices in Composite Materials Design.
Books Recommended :
1. Modern Composite Materials, L.J. Broutman and R.M.Krock, Addison-
2. Composite Materials- Science & Engineering, K. K. Chawla, Springer-
Verlag, New York.
3. Mechanisms and Mechanics of Composite Fracture, R. B. Bhagat, S.G.
Fishman,R.J. Arsenault, ASM Intrenationals,1993.
Note: In all eight questions, covering the whole syllabus evenly, each of 20 marks, are to be set.
The candidates will be required to attempt any five questions
Introduction Historical Review, The Significance of Fracture Mechanics, The Griffith
Energy Balance Approach , Irwin’s Modification to the Griffith Theory , The Stress
Intensity Approach , Crack Tip Plasticity, Fracture Toughness, Elastic-Plastic Fracture
Mechanics, Subcritical Crack Growth, Influence of Material Behaviour Part II Linear
Elastic Fracture Mechanics The Elastic Stress Field Approach Introduction,
Derivation of the Mode I Elastic Stress Field Equations, Useful Expressions, Finite
Specimen Width, Two Additional Important Solutions for Practical Use, Superposition of
Stress Intensity Factors, Some Remarks Concerning Stress Intensity Factor
Crack Tip Plasticity Introduction, The Plastic Zone Size According to Irwin, The Plastic
Zone Size According to Dugdale: The Strip Yield Model, First Order Approximations of
Plastic Zone Shapes, The State of Stress in the Crack Tip Region, Stress State Influences
on Fracture Behaviour
The Energy Balance Approach Introduction, The Energy Balance Approach, Relations
for Practical Use, Determination of Stress Intensity Factors from Compliance, The
Energy Balance for More Ductile Materials, Slow Stable Crack Growth and the R-Curve
Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics, Basic Aspects of Elastic-Plastic Fracture
Mechanics, Introduction, Development of Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics. The J
Integral, Remarks Concerning the J Integral Concept, J as a Stress Intensity Parameter,
The Crack Opening Displacement (COD) Approach, Remarks on the COD Approach,
Relation Between J and CTOD
Fracture Mechanics Concepts for Crack Growth, Fatigue Crack Growth, Introduction,
Description of Fatigue Crack Growth Using the Stress Intensity Factor, The Effects of
Stress Ratio and Crack Tip Plasticity: Crack Closure, Environmental Effects, Prediction
of Fatigue Crack Growth Under Constant Amplitude Loading,
Sustained Load Fracture Introduction, Time-To-Failure (TTF) Tests, Crack Growth
Rate Testing, Experimental Problems, Method of Predicting Failure of a Structural
Component, Practical Significance of Sustained Load Fracture Testing
Books Recommended
1. Fracture Mechanics, M. Jansen, J Zuidema, K J H Wanhill, Delft Univ Press
2. Fatigue of Metals, Subra Suresh, Cambridge Univ Press
3. Fracture Mechanics, Fundamentals and Applications, Anderson, CRS Press
4. Analytical Fracture Mechanics, David J Unger, Dover Publications
5. Fatigue of Metals, Pope
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